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Quinta de Santo Estêvão Algarve Farm Experiences

Experience the real Algarve

This project was born from the desire to create a playful, creative and ample space for holding events related to the rural life in the Algarve.
A personalized space with a family atmosphere where you can bring your family and make many expriences and events.

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Come and enjoy the best that Silves has to offer in the rural Algarve, participating with the whole family in exciting experiences and events at the Farm.

These expriences will take you across the countryside along rural paths along the beautiful river Arade, along stunning trails feeling the scents and sounds of nature that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

As our Farm is located in the middle of nature, our multipurpose room is ideal for birthdays, courses, workshops, meetings and small group events.

It is a space where we can organize almost everything that is possible and imaginable related to the rural world, just customize your experience or event.

Quinta de Santo Estêvão, Pedreira | 8300-047 Silves |

Tel .: +351 964 395 411 or +351 969 284 030

Burros na Quinta
Experiences on the farm

Learn more about the beautiful nature around us on one of our expriences.

It is a space where we can organize almost everything imaginable related to the rural world, just customize your experience or event.

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Quinta de Santo Estevão
Pedreira, 8300-047 Silves
GPS 37 ° 12'51.3 "N 8 ° 23'12.3" W.

Tel. (+351) 964 395 411 (José Neves)
Tel. (+351) 969 284 030 (João Garcia)

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